Click the image below to read my blog post about the inspiration behind my spicy romance book The Assist!

I am an accomplished author, speaker, and coach who has been immersed in the world of stories for as long as I can remember. And helping women is my passion and purpose.

I began writing on a whim at the age of 35 after I recognized the transformative power of storytelling. With five published books, both fiction and nonfiction and through a variety of channels, I aim to inspire and empower others, as I coach them on to share their unique voices for maximum impact on the world.

With three daughters and my tiny dog, I also aim to make sure there is plenty of nonsense to go around. Just look at my IG stories for proof.

Podcast Interviews - Updated Regularly!

Sometimes stories come out in conversations - and that is exactly what a podcast interview is for me. I love talking with folks about my journey, their journey and where the world is headed together.

Click the links below to hear some of those fun & healing conversations!

My Blog: Find it on Medium

I’ve been a storyteller my whole life. As an author, speaker and story coach, I see the power of story to change lives and help everyone thrive. I use my blog on Medium to tell the smaller stories that bubble up within me, to share them with others. The mission is always the same, though: healing, hope and creating vision.

Third Person Podcast Logo

Podcast: Third Person

An Audio Recording of my book, Third Person: Thirty Days with the Holy Spirit. I narrate each episode, which corresponds to the daily devotions in the book, and guide you through the prayer and thought for each day. Updated regularly!

Listen on Spotify

Applying Jesus Podcast Logo

Podcast: Applying Jesus

My podcast when I was still working in ministry…I loved it! It was a short season, but I enjoyed every single one of my guests and several of the video podcasts are on my YouTube page. Each episode is thought-provoking and I would be honored if you would add it to your listening queue.

The goal of this podcast was to be a brave and collective space to explore the dynamics and application of our faith in Jesus through the lenses of Relationship, Empathy, Action and Love.

Visit the podcast website